We would like to invite you to our third Czech Film Screening organised by the Czech Language Club and Velehrad. This event is for Czech nationals, Czech language students and everyone who is interested in Czech culture.
The screening is on Saturday 23rd June at 5.30pm at Velehrad, Barnes. We will be screening a Czech film PELÍŠKY (in English known as Cosy Dens) with English subtitles. Pelíšky is a 1999 Czech film directed by Jan Hřebejk. It is loosely based on the novel Hovno Hoří (Czech: “Flaming Feces”) by Petr Šabach. You can read more about the story here and watch a trailer here.
There will be some refreshments after the film and you will have an opportunity to meet new people. We hope that this event will bring together people who love Czech culture.
Please RSVP by the 15th June at info@czechlanguageclub.co.uk.
You can pay at the door or via PayPal through this link.
We look forward to seeing you and your guests.